
Steps On How To Be Successful In Life (Live a Successful Life on Your Terms)

by Mike Tolani / Aug 17, 2022
Achieving success in life requires dedication, discipline, passion, and determination. There are many steps needed to reach your goal but it does not have to be a struggle. Follow the below steps to achieve success in life.

How To Lower Blood Pressure And Heart Rate - Exercises for the Silent Killer Hypertension

by Mike Tolani / Aug 16, 2022
Learning how to lower blood pressure and heart rate is very important. You should always consult your physician before starting any new treatment plan.

What’s the Best Way to Kick Start Weight Loss?

by Mike Tolani / Aug 10, 2022
We've all hit weight loss plateaus before. It happens to everyone. But how do we get past these frustrating times?

How To Lose Fat In The Thighs?

by Mike Tolani / Aug 09, 2022
Are you trying to lose weight by following a diet plan? How about learning how to lose fat in the thighs? Or maybe you just want to tone up those thighs using yoga exercises. Either way, there are plenty of methods out there to help you achieve your goals.

What Helps a Scratchy Throat? Natural Remedies for a Scratchy Throat

by Mike Tolani / Feb 09, 2022
I hope this helpful wellness advice led to your answer for what helps a scratchy throat. As a nutritionist, I've consulted with many customers for over twenty years. Sign up for a free fifteen-minute consultation and let me help you find the right nutritional plan for you.

What Helps With a Sore Throat? The Truth About Sore Throat Relief

by Mike Tolani / Feb 08, 2022

Cosmic Mike has over twenty years' experience in Ayurveda and can speak with you regarding your health conditions. 

Ayurveda is a traditional system of medicine based on the belief that everything in nature is interconnected. Its goal is to restore balance to the mind, body, and spirit through diet, lifestyle, exercise, meditation, yoga, herbs, and massage.

Does Magnesium Help For Leg Cramps?

by Mike Tolani / Feb 02, 2022
Does magnesium help for leg cramps? Yes, it does. Magnesium is an important nutrient that can improve your health and reduce the risk of developing some diseases. Magnesium helps maintain normal nerve impulses, muscle contraction, and energy metabolism, so it can help relieve muscle cramps.

Top Benefits of Taking Calcium and Magnesium at Night

by Mike Tolani / Feb 01, 2022

Taking calcium and magnesium at night will help improve your overall health by improving your bones, regulating your blood pressure, and reducing your risk of cardiovascular diseases.

A healthy lifestyle for healthy adults can affect your ability to stay awake at night. Exercise regularly, eat nutritious foods (like fruits and vegetables), and drink plenty of water can improve your overall energy levels.