
How Long Does It Take To Lose Belly Fat And Love Handles?

by Mike Tolani / Jan 26, 2022
It's never too late to start making changes in your life. You don't have to wait until you reach a certain weight before you begin improving your health.

Why Am I Sleeping So Much And Still Tired?

by Mike Tolani / Jan 25, 2022
The key to staying healthy is making sure you're getting adequate sleep each night. This means going to bed at a reasonable hour and waking up when your alarm goes off. Sleep deprivation can negatively affect every aspect of your life, including work performance, physical activity level, and emotional wellbeing.

Getting Tired After Eating Sugar - What Happens If You Eat Too Much Sugar?

by Mike Tolani / Jan 19, 2022
Getting tired after eating sugar? Low blood sugar levels cause post-meal sleepiness. To avoid feeling sleepy, eat small, frequent snacks throughout the day.

Speaking with a healthcare professional about how to manage low blood sugar levels is recommended.

Feeling Light Headed And Tired All The Time - How To Manage Stress Naturally

by Mike Tolani / Jan 18, 2022

When you feel stressed out all the time, you may wonder what causes it. There are many reasons people experience stress. Some of them include work pressures, family problems, health issues, financial worries, relationship problems, and even emotional problems.

Have you ever felt light headed and tired all the time? Or maybe you just don’t have any energy to do anything?

If you answered yes to either question, then you might need to take some time to find out what is causing it.

Fish Oil and OCD - Supplementation Reduces the Effects of Mental Stress

by Peach Vitamins / May 04, 2021
The take away message is that it is important to take roughly 3,000 mg EPA+DHA if a person has significant daily mental stress.  It is good for both your brain and your heart.

Triphala Weight Loss - Daily Cleansing

by Peach Vitamins / May 04, 2021
Taken along with something like psyllium or flax, which lubricate and  sweep out the colon like a broom, triphala is one of the most beneficial herb formulas that can be taken daily with no negative consequences. The powdered form of triphala is the best way to take it.  

DHA Memory Improvement: Food for the Brain and More

by Peach Vitamins / May 04, 2021
So it should be pretty obvious why DHA is important for the brain. If you are interested in increasing your DHA levels, we have a huge selection of products that can help you do so, as well as a knowledgeable staff to help you select the right product for your health needs.

Best Curcumin Supplement Rivals Exercise for Cardiovascular Health

by Peach Vitamins / May 04, 2021
One should note that curcumin extracted from turmeric is not well absorbed.  In fact, the curcumin in conventional 95%-curcumin dietary supplements is very poorly absorbed.  This is even less well-absorbed than the curcumin in fresh turmeric root. There are, however, several formulations of turmeric and curcumin which can absorb six to seven times better than the curcumin. This is in most of the conventional  95%-curcumin dietary supplements.