What Helps a Scratchy Throat? Natural Remedies for a Scratchy Throat

by Mike mtolani@peachvitamins.com / Feb 09, 2022
What Helps a Scratchy Throat? Natural Remedies for a Scratchy Throat

Have you ever had a scratchy throat that just wouldn’t go away? Maybe you were sick, maybe you caught a cold, maybe you ate too much junk food… whatever the case may be, there’s nothing worse than dealing with a scratchy throat.

Did you know you can actually cure a scratchy throat by using some simple natural remedies? In this blog post, we’ll show you what those natural remedies are and how they work.

You may not need expensive medicines to treat a scratchy throat. All you need are herbal remedies that help your body get better faster.


What Can Cause a Scratchy Throat?

The most common causes of a scratchy throat include colds, allergies, and sinus infections. Other reasons may include smoking, eating spicy foods, and having a dry mouth.

A bacterial throat infection is one of the most common types of scratchy throats. This type of infection usually develops when your body comes into contact with bacteria from the air or through your mouth. It’s caused by viruses such as streptococcus, staphylococcus, and pneumococcus.

Sinusitis happens when your sinuses become infected. The sinuses are part of your nose and help filter out dust particles and harmful substances in the air. When the sinuses become inflamed, mucus builds up inside them. This build-up makes it hard for your nasal passages to breathe properly.

Allergies can also lead to a scratchy throat. Your immune system produces antibodies when it encounters something foreign to it. These antibodies then attack the allergens that triggered the reaction.

If you catch a cold, you might develop a scratchy throat because your body has produced more mucus to protect itself against the virus.

If you’re allergic to pollen, you might experience a runny nose and scratchy throat whenever you come into contact with plants.

Sore Throat Treatment to Get Rid of a Painful Throat?

There are several ways to get rid of a scratchy throat naturally:

1. Gargle With Warm Water And Honey

Gargling with warm water mixed with honey will help loosen phlegm and mucus trapped in your throat. Mix 1 teaspoon of raw honey with 2 cups of warm water. Stir until the mixture turns slightly foamy. You can use this mixture regularly to prevent a scratchy throat. Try adding a few drops of eucalyptus oil to make the mixture even more effective.

2. Use Salt As An Exfoliant For Your Tongue

Your tongue needs to be exfoliated every once in a while so that it doesn’t get thick and rough. Using a small amount of sea salt on your tongue is a great way to do that. Take a pinch of salt and rub it between your thumb and index finger. Rub the salt over your tongue, covering all of it. Do this three times per day for two days.

Warm salt water is another option. Add a couple of teaspoons of salt to a cup of hot water. Swish the liquid around in your mouth for 10 minutes before spitting it out. Repeat this process at least twice a week to keep your tongue healthy.

3. Steam Bath

Steam baths are another way to relax and relieve stress. They can also help improve circulation and reduce inflammation. Add a handful of dried herbs such as rosemary, lavender, chamomile, or peppermint to a bowl filled with hot water. Pour the hot water over the herbs and let them steep for 10 minutes. After steeping, strain the herbs and add them to a tub full of warm water. Soak yourself in the tub for 20 minutes.

A hot shower also works well. Just take a long, relaxing shower instead of going straight to bed after dinner.

4. Drink Hot Lemonade

Drinking lemon juice or hot lemon tea can help clear your throat. Make a cup of hot lemonade by mixing equal parts of freshly squeezed lemon juice with boiling water. Drink at least half of the cup immediately after brewing.

5. Eat Yogurt

Yogurt contains probiotics which can help fight off bacteria that cause a scratchy throat. Simply eat plain yogurt without added sugar or fruit. Throat irritation is often because of food sensitivities. By avoiding foods that aggravate your symptoms, you may find relief.

6. Get Rid Of Mold In Your Home

Mold spores can easily grow in damp environments. Therefore, if you have a home where there is moisture present, cleanse it to remove mold growth. Cleaning the house with bleach or vinegar is not recommended, as they can damage furniture and carpets.

Instead, use baking soda and white vinegar to clean surfaces. Baking soda absorbs odors while vinegar kills microbes. Once the area is dry, apply a coat of paint or sealant to keep the surface from becoming re-contaminated.

7. Keep The Air Fresh

You can also keep the air fresh in your home by using a humidifier. Humidifiers create moist air that helps break up congestion and ease sore throats. However, they aren't suitable for people who already suffer from respiratory conditions.

8. Avoid Alcohol

Alcoholic beverages can irritate your throat and inflame your tonsils. It's best to avoid alcohol altogether when suffering from a scratchy throat.

Saliva production increases when we drink alcoholic beverages, but saliva has enzymes that dissolve protein and carbohydrates. This causes the body to produce more mucus, which may lead to a scratchy throat. Drinking alcohol also makes us dehydrated, which can make our throats even drier.

9. Stay Hydrated

If you're feeling thirsty, drink plenty of water. Water is always good, but herbal teas are also beneficial. Herbal teas contain antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that can ease itchy throats.

Having hot drinks on hand will also be helpful. Try having a mug of hot ginger tea available whenever you start to feel worse. Ginger has soothing effects on your digestive tract, so it can help ease nausea and vomiting associated with a common cold.

10. Herbal Throat Lozenges

An all-natural sore throat remedy is to take an herbal throat lozenge to ease throat pain and speed recovery. You can buy these lozenges at most drugstores. These lozenges usually come as a candy-like substance or a powder.

Just dissolve one of these lozenges into a glass of water before swallowing. Alternatively, mix the lozenge with milk or honey to make it more palatable.


Common Symptoms of a Scratchy Throat

The most common symptom of a scratchy throat is a dry cough. Other sore throat symptoms may include soreness around the mouth, fever, headache, nausea, vomiting, body aches, chills, fatigue, and difficulty breathing.

The most common symptom of a scratchy throat is a dry cough. Other symptoms may include soreness around the mouth, fever, headache, nausea, vomiting, body aches, chills, fatigue, and difficulty breathing.

If you have a high fever or your throat hurts when you swallow or experience additional symptoms of strep throat, it's time to go to the doctor. You could suffer from strep throat, which is caused by bacteria called Streptococcus pyogenes.

This type of infection is more serious than a regular cold because it can spread to the lungs and even lead to pneumonia.

Throat culture swabs are used to diagnose bacterial infections, such as strep throat. A doctor will typically prescribe antibiotics to treat this type of infection. Antibiotic treatment should only be given after they have made a proper diagnosis.

What Steps Should You Take After Getting A Scratchy Throat?

The best way to prevent a scratchy throat from becoming infected is by avoiding it altogether. If you're sick, avoid touching your face and wash your hands frequently.

Avoid sharing drinks or eating utensils with others and don't share cups or glasses. It can make your throat worse if you touch your eyes, nose, or mouth while having a cold or flu.

After getting a scratchy throat, it's important to rest and stay hydrated. Try not to talk too much or eat anything that might aggravate your throat. Drinking lots of liquids can help loosen phlegm and reduce coughing fits.

How Long Does A Scratchy Throat Last?

A scratchy throat can last from two days to three weeks. Most people recover in just a few days. However, a persistent, chronic scratchy throat can become problematic and affect your daily life over several weeks.

Having a hoarse voice or muffled voice is another sign of a scratchy throat. Hoarseness may occur because of inflammation of the larynx (voice box), vocal cords, or surrounding tissues. We often associate the condition with viral upper respiratory tract infections.

Acid reflux disease is also commonly linked to hoarseness. When stomach acid backs up into the esophagus, it causes irritation and swelling of the membranes lining the throat. In addition, the food particles stuck in the back of the throat can get irritated, causing them to swell.

Other potential causes of hoarseness include:

* Laryngitis — inflammation of the laryngeal nerve or muscles

* Sore throat — inflammation of the mucus membrane lining the throat

* Swallowing disorders — problems with swallowing

Reflux in adults usually occurs in the lower part of the esophagus near its junction with the stomach.



Does Alcohol Help With A Scratchy Throat?

Alcohol may temporarily relieve symptoms, but it's not recommended because alcohol is dehydrating and can worsen a sore throat. Also, alcohol will only mask the problem; it won't cure it. Improving overall health conditions is the most effective way to prevent and eliminate a scratchy throat.

Cigarette smoke and secondhand smoke contain hundreds of chemicals that irritate the airways and damage lung tissue. These substances increase the risk of developing asthma and COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder). Tobacco use increases the likelihood of contracting a variety of viruses, including influenza .

Excess secretions flowing down the nasal passages into the throat cause postnasal drip. This fluid contains bacteria, which can lead to a secondary infection. Postnasal drip is more common among older individuals who have less-effective immune systems. Excess secretion can also result from sinus infections or an allergic reaction.


Should I Take An Over The Counter Medication Or See A Doctor?

If your symptoms aren't getting better after trying some home remedies, it's best to seek medical advice.

The doctor will probably recommend medical care and a course of antibiotics to clear up the infection, but this isn't always necessary. Sometimes, all you need is rest and plenty of fluids.

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