Sytrinol To Lower Cholesterol And Triglycerides Naturally

Can Sytrinol Lower Cholesterol Naturally?
While these drugs have been shown to be effective, their benefits are accompanied by a long list of detrimentalside effects. Many natural products are available for lowering cholesterol as well, but even some of them have their own drawbacks. Of all the natural cholesterol-lowering products out there, Sytrinol happens to be one of the best.
There are few health topics that are in the news as often as cholesterol. And there are few medications that are prescribed as often as cholesterol-lowering drugs. By far the most commonly prescribed drugs for lowering cholesterol are statins, such as Lipitor, Zocor and Crestor.
Contrary to popular belief, the cholesterol produced in the body is much more significant to your total levels than dietary cholesterol. Statin drugs work by inhibiting the body's ability to produce cholesterol, specifically by blocking an enzyme known as HMG-CoA reductase. But there are definite drawbacks to using these drugs.
Along with the side effects associated with statins, they are also known to deplete the body's Coenzyme-Q10 levels. Therefore, some doctors will recommend taking statins along with a CoQ10 supplement.
Sytrinol Lowers Cholesterol Safely
From time to time new and innovative products make their way to the marketplace that redefine their respective categories. One such product is Sytrinol®. Sytrinol is a patented and proprietary formula derived from natural citrus and palm fruit extracts. It combines polymethoxylated flavones (PMFs) delta, gamma, and alpha tocotrienols and other proprietary ingredient components.
Sytrinol has multiple mechanisms of action to maintain a healthy heart:
- Total Cholesterol Benefits (Tocotrienols): The proprietary blend of tocotrienols in Sytrinol work by inhibiting the rate-limiting enzyme HMG-CoA reductase. However, Sytrinol’s mode of action contrasts with the competitive inhibition of HMG-CoA reductase receptors exhibited by statin drugs. The cholesterol lowering effect of Sytrinol appears to act by a novel process that controls the degradation rate of the HMG-CoA reductase enzyme.
In other words, rather than actually preventing the biosynthesis of HMG-CoA reductase enzyme, the tocotrienols present in Sytrinol reduce the levels of this important enzyme required for cholesterol biosynthesis by increasing the rate at which the enzyme molecules degrade.
The tocotrienol isoprenoid side-chain causes an increase in the concentration of cellular farnesol. Farnesol is derived from mevalonate, the product of the HMG-CoA reductase reaction. Farnesol, post-transcriptionally, suppresses HMG-CoA reductase activity and enhances the proteolytic catabolism of this enzyme.
The Difference Between Statin Drugs and Sytrinol
This mechanism is different from that of the statin drugs which are inhibitors of the enzyme. Sytrinol increases the rate of natural degradation of HMG-CoA reductase and reduces total cholesterol without the
side effects associated with statins.
- LDL benefits (PMFs): PMFs reduce both Apolipoprotein B levels needed for the synthesis of LDL particles and MTTP levels (microsomal triglyceride transfer protein) needed to transfer fat into the new LDL particles.
- Triglyceride benefits (PMFs): PMFs reduce DGAT activity (diacylglycerol acetyltransferase) and increase liver PPAR (peroxisome proliferator activated receptor) – and in doing so, reduce overall synthesis of Triglyceride (DGAT inhibition) and increase fatty acid oxidation (PPAR activation) – thus reducing Triglyceride levels in the blood by two complementary mechanisms.
- Anti-inflammatory benefits (PMFs):
Inflammation is an emerging trigger in heart disease. Studies are beginning to show that CVD is afflicting younger individuals; One third of those are in good health and their cholesterol is within normal ranges.
Heart Attacks with No Warning Signs?
Both men and women in this group suffer from sudden heart attacks. There are no warning signs or risk factors known to cause heart disease. Recent research is establishing that inflammation may be the cause. Inflammation causes C – reactive protein (CRP) in the body. This is a known marker for sudden heart attack.
Researchers have shown that the presence of CRP in the body is a more reliable predictor of a pending heart attack than any other traditionally known risk factor for heart disease. Specific PMFs, including nobiletin and tangeretin, have been studied for their anti inflammatory properties, suggesting that the PMFs found in Sytrinol would have a positive effect on CRP.
- Antioxidant benefits (PMFs & Tocotrienols): PMFs and Tocotrienols are among many natural potent antioxidants that have been researched for decades. PMFs can help protect blood vessel linings and prevent the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, which can lead to CVD.
Tocotrienols are members of the natural vitamin E family. These contain some of the most powerful membrane bound antioxidants. They have a direct link to reduced rates of oxidative damage. Also, there is a reduced incidence of chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer.
A New Era In Cholesterol Management
With all of the information out there about Sytrinol, it's hard to imagine using anything else to lower cholesterol naturally. Studies have shown that Sytrinol® helps to significantly reduce total cholesterol, LDL and triglyceride levels in a highly effective manner, and also provides the consumer with powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits.
Of course we have Sytrinol in stock at Peach Vitamins in Atlanta. Feel free to stop by and pick one up or to talk to us about it at 404-266-9115.