Ayurvedic Cleanse: Seasonal Cleansing
Ayurvedic Cleanse: Discover The Ultimate In Health
According to the Ayurvedic cleanse system of healing and balance, the best time to cleanse our bodies is at the junction between two seasons. We do have some time here in Atlanta as it still remains hot throughout August and even into September. But still good to think of some things to support detoxification now as there is a tendency in the West to barbecue heavy proteins in the summer such as chicken, meat and fish.
Not only do those foods when barbecued have carcinogens, they are difficult to digest in 100 degree weather especially in the evening. The best time to eat meat is the morning meal or lunch when digestive fire is at it's peak. You want to have at least three hours of digestive time before going to sleep.
Here's a short list of some detoxifying remedies to begin as we approach fall:
- Aloe Vera Juice- drink a few ounces a day to cool the digestive tract
- Ginger capsules- good for all constitutions in Ayurveda- promotes good digestion
- Triphala- an Ayurvedic remedy that one can use indefinitely to cleanse the colon- comes in powder for tea or capsules
- Getting regular massage
- Dry brushing the skin for circulation and exfoliating the skin
- Sweating such as taking saunas
- Enemas- as directed by your physician
The perfect food for cleansing is Kitchari - it is a complete protein food made from split mung beans, rice, and vegetables. One can eat this as a meal three times a day while cleansing. Recipes are found in The Ayurvedic Cookbook.
[caption id="attachment_7608" align="alignright" width="300"] ayurvedic cleanse diet[/caption]As the leaves begin to fall from the trees think of the whole body in the same way needing to get rid of accumulated toxins and cleanse before the next season begins. If we mirror nature we can remain healthy with the seasons.
Gedaliah Genin Naturopath/ Marma Therapy from Ayurveda www.gedaliahhealingarts.com